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December 31, 2020

Mind blowing Special Effects that were not CGI

In the present day, it isn’t surprising to see life like dinosaurs amidst humans, apes on horseback or people in space. Contemporary films are suffused with Computer Generated Imagery abbreviated CGI which is convincing enough for the viewer as opposed to the CGI of older films which stuck out like a sore thumb. This evolving […]

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7 of the Best indies of the 21st Century

Indies have been around ever since filmmaking came into being with Thomas Edison first monopolising film making technology. Though indies weren’t backed by studios they were potent enough to reach mainstream audiences garnering much love and prestigious awards. Following are some of the Best Independent films of the 21st century. Donnie Darko(2001) a sci-fi cult

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Lexicon Grown Broader with Cinema

There are certain phrases such as “Toast”, “As if” and “Catfish” which have become so common in our lives that we wouldn’t even bother to think that their origin could have been popular films.  Popular culture has always and will continue to contribute to language development, with cinema taking a key role. Linguists are constantly

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Greatest Filmmakers of All Time

Filmmaking is certainly not an easy undertaking .  Different filmmakers take different approaches in creating celluloid masterpieces.  The following are some of the greatest filmmakers of all time, who have their own signature styles in filmmaking Sir Alfred Hitchcock  “I depend on style more than plot. It is how you do it, and not your

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