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Exploring Multifaceted Artistry: An Interview with Florence Cazebon-Taveau

Exploring Multifaceted Artistry: An Interview with Florence Cazebon-Taveau

Your career is incredibly diverse, spanning mediums from poetry to historical writing to acting. How do you find inspiration across these different forms of expression?
This is to open the horizons and go beyond limits with tremendous passion, creativity and generosity. This is with the historical awareness, the wonderful power of words when I discovered my automatic words by my mediumship. When also I transcend myself beyond everything and when I touch the heavens. As painter, my inspirational art is as defined by James Guitet charged of many passions with rapidity of execution. I am like to be in a medium gestural and with much liberty and concentration; the spirituality and the wonderful. I paint exclusively with my fingers in the artistic gesture like the impressionists did, privileging the sensation.

Your screenplay “Quand le mystèrieux Prieuré de Sion s’invite à Rennes Le Château” seems to intertwine history, mystery, and spirituality. What drew you to explore this particular story, and what message do you hope viewers will take away from it?
Over 15 Years of historical research, I have eight books about the treasure of Abbey Sauniere. For me, the mysterious Priory of Sion has kept the greatest secret in human history and the fabulous treasure of Rennes the castle in France: the Graal of templars on the tomb of Mary Magdala in this intriguing history, I’ve combined the wonderful with the spiritual. A path that allows us to access the resurrection long before death through a transcendence linked to the innate knowledge of unconscious which falls in the outpouring of human reflection by dismantling then symbiosis of divine ideas. But also that the story begins again in its events and adventures, that we are only the repetition of those ancient and advanced times and which in the near or distant future always or distant future always end up finding themselves beyond our lives like the Grail during the Eucharistic celebration.

As both an actress and a writer, you bring a unique perspective to your projects. How do you balance these dual roles, and do you find that one informs the other in unexpected ways?
The most important aspect as an actress and writer is the revelation of building a character with the mystery and spirituality then the action under the medium aspect. The structure must be fluid. I managed to maintain the suspense until the end. I also increase tension.

Your upcoming role as a medium in the short film adaptation of your screenplay is intriguing. How do you prepare for portraying characters with such mystical elements, and do you draw from personal experiences or research?
In transcendence, an emotion arises and with this an idea then a multiplication of ideas and a tangle of emotions who echo each other to finally achieve an ideal not consistent with this reality down here. For me, the inequalities come from man and not from God. In my screenplay “The Priory of Sion“ made the other: the stranger, a friend because the Priory of Sion is altruistic.
Finally, my screenplay has wonderful potential to be a very cinematic, suspenseful, compelling, and intriguing drama. The seeming convergence of plotlines that span centuries, the incorporation of mysticism and the supernatural power of mediums, and the large cast of colorful historical characters bringing to life secret societies and suspenseful plots driven by famous artists, religious leaders, and politicians are compelling and will make the movie a success.

Your work often delves into historical mysteries, such as the treasure of Abbot Saunière of Rennes-le-Château. What fascinates you most about these enigmatic stories, and how do you approach blending fact with fiction in your writing?
It’s about going into the field to look for treasure. I have already found archeological remains (to see several historical articles of press on Google). I like to make friends with other researchers in the field. Indeed my research is not in vain. This corner of Rennes the Castle reveals itself to be exceptionally rich between the Romans remains, the Visigothic tombs, the Templar Fortress of Bezu, Celtic sources, especially the coded domain of abbey Sauniere and his church, there‘s something to do and to write. The mystery like the cross does not demean man but elevates him. Thus I find myself crossing the banks of eternity through my feminity and my words.

As a published author of eight books, you’ve established yourself as a respected historical writer. How does your writing process differ when crafting a screenplay compared to a book, and which do you find more challenging?
A screenplay compared to a book embrace action, it is as a living painting where the theatrical dimension is crucial.

In addition to your screenplay work, you’ve also taken on roles in other film projects, such as “Theodora the Great” and “Camille Claudel à Marseille.” How do these experiences as an actress inform your approach to writing and directing your own films?
Camille Claudel and Theodora the Great are famous women who transcends through a strong personality made of passion. I identify with them like in a mirror. They are also very courageous ahead of their time. To advance the cause of women in art history and politic. And also I experienced the joy of playing the role of Camille and participate in the development of script for this video.

Finally, with your screenplay “Quand le mystèrieux Prieuré de Sions’invite à Rennes Le Château” in hand, what are your hopes for its future? What kind of producer are you seeking, and what do you envision for the journey of bringing this story to life on the big screen?
To quote Hitchcock: to make a great movie you need three things: the script, the script, and the script. My script is made originally under the medium aspect and it is this picture of my person made of passion overflowing with life of creativity and love. My hope is to find a producer who loves great epics and interested in esotericism with preference for the secret of Templars and these women by thousands who rebuild and refocus through Mary Magdalene: the Lord’s Grail.

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